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2014-2015 Welcome to the future for your 2001 Toronto Marlboros!
June 9, 2014
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Looking back upon the ascent of the 2001 Toronto Marlboros, over the past three seasons, under the guidance of Head Coach, Louie Gialedakis, it is very easy to pick out several celebratory highlights.  Hard-fought victories, well-learned lessons, heart stopping moments, and character-building experiences that will stay with each player for a life time!

With the upcoming season, which really began just moments after the last season ended; a very focused try-outs were conducted, and it became obvious to all who witnessed, this upcoming hockey season would be quite different!  The difference began with the fitness testing conducted by Jim Reeves from Athletes Zone.

Players’ test results showed that all of the hard work of the past years, on and off the ice, had paid off!  However, it is important to note, it is not the ceiling of fitness excellence that has been achieved by each player - it is the new floor, from which much higher expectations will spring in the coming months!

With the tryouts behind us, the team came together at the annual “Toronto Marlboros BBQ,,” held in early June, where “good-bye” was said to the past season and everyone ate their way right into the 2014-2015 season!

The annual BBQ is so much more than just a nice get-together!  It provides a chance for veteran parents and players to welcome the new families onto the team, while renewing the existing bonds of friendship.

The players were sized for the equipment, and Coach Gialedakis spoke proudly of accomplishments in the 2013/2014 season. He also expressed to the players and their families that the upcoming season would have high expectations for not only for the team as a whole, but for each and every player. Coach Gialedakis emphasized the importance of fitness, mental preparation, proper nutrition, and an overall commitment to one’s self, and the game of hockey. The off-season is where each and every player is expected to make big improvement to their overall fitness.

The 2001 Toronto Marlboros and their families are looking forward to the upcoming season.

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